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What Tellers Do

Tellers are responsible for accurately processing routine transactions at a bank. These transactions include cashing checks, depositing money, and collecting loan payments.


Tellers typically do the following:

Tellers are responsible for the safe and accurate handling of the money they process. When cashing a check, they must verify the customer’s identity and make sure that the account has enough money to cover the transaction. When counting cash, a teller must be careful not to make errors.

Tellers also seek out customers who might want to buy more financial products or services from the bank, such as certificates of deposits (CDs) and loans. When they think a customer is interested, tellers explain the products and services the bank offers and refer the customer to the appropriate sales personnel.

In most banks, tellers record account changes by using computer terminals that give them easy access to the customer’s financial information. Tellers also can use this information when recommending a new product or service.

Head tellers manage teller operations. They do the same tasks as other tellers as well as some managerial tasks, such as setting work schedules or helping less experienced tellers. Because of their experience, head tellers may deal with difficult customer problems, such as a customer questioning an error with an account. Head tellers also go to the vault (where larger amounts of money are kept) and ensure that the rest of the tellers have enough cash to cover their shift.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition